The *best* net radio station in the world! H O B E R Thinking Radio, theoretically it's a folk station, but the range of music is everything from Cuban to bluegrass to Ravi Shankar to Philip Glass and stuff off at angles from there ... blues, folk, gentle jazz, world music and interesting modern classical, and wonderfully all strung together. Tell them I sent you (they won't know who I am, but if enough people show up, maybe they'll find out!)
Friday, October 05, 2001
Monday, October 01, 2001
The reason that I decided to take the plunge and start a weblog was down to a very good friend of mine, Steve Glover, who has his own (rarely updated) weblog called OutSider
This is the first day of The Magician's Blog. I've been reading other people's blogs and thought it was about time to put up the things that I've found or been pointed to ... a lot of the stuff that I like I've found either by personal recommendation, through a few major sites (TheRegister, SlashDot, NeedToKnow, BBC News) or through pseudo-random websurfing (type in a search term, then follow the links that don't seem to make sense!)
The first thing that I'll link to is one of my home sites SMOF.COM
The first thing that I'll link to is one of my home sites SMOF.COM